Who Can Apply ?


Director : Prof. Christian GEINDREAU
(Christian.Geindreau @ univ-grenoble-alpes.fr)



Director : Prof. Chantal STAQUET
(Chantal.Staquet @ univ-grenoble-alpes.fr)
  • To access the first year of the program
  • You should be a student of high academic level and have obtained a bachelor degree in physics, Earth sciences, applied mathematics, mechanical engineering, civil engineering or chemical engineering.
  • No knowledge in fluid mechanics is needed but a solid background in physics and mathematics is required.
  • To access the second year of the program
    • You should be a student of high academic level with a sound knowledge of fluid mechanics, and have either
    • completed the first year of a Master's program (M1) in physics, Earth science, mechanical, civil or chemical engineering
    • graduated from an engineering school in mechanical, civil or chemical engineering.
  • Direct admission from a bachelor degree (in physics, Earth science, mechanical, civil or chemical engineering) is possible for outstanding students.

To access the program (in M1 or M2), your English proficiency should be at least equivalent to the following scores: TOEFL (Internet based) 80, or IELTS 5.5, or European level B2.

If you have not taken an English test: a letter from your English teacher attesting to your English language skills (or from your University if your curriculum was in English) is accepted.

Directors: Chantal STAQUET and Pierre AUGIER

Master's Program in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics

University Grenoble Alpes
Grenoble, FRANCE
Webmaster : Chantal Staquet

Webdesign Isabelle Biamonti